Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Evaluation Of A Customer Relation Assignment Observation...

This paper discusses the results from a customer relation assignment which was designed to create knowledge through observation of three different healthcare service organizations. This technique provided ample amounts of information on how different healthcare facilities handled costumer relations. The paper is written in a first person experience and covers the following information such as type of the organization and services provided at each of them. Then the paper will continue to explain the process required to obtain information and the willingness to offer information from the organizations. Further the paper will divulge my feelings regarding customer service at each facility and what changes I would have made in order to make†¦show more content†¦The process that I followed to obtain information was through the phone and on-site observation. I first called the office and addressed myself as a student nurse at Davenport University and a patient of this office as we ll. I informed the receptionist that I would like to visit the office and observe the customer relations and then write a paper based on my experience. The receptionist was really polite, helpful and she transferred me over to the manager of the office. At first the manager was a little bit hesitant about having me visiting the office due to the HIPPA violation and security of their patient information. However, she was willing to help after I showed here the syllabus for my assignment and explained that I will not interfere with the patient data in the electronic charts. During my observation at the office all the employees’ demonstrated complete professionalism in both appearance and behavior. They greeted the visitors with a smile and made them feeling comfortable while they waited to be seen by the dentist. The manager herself and the other employees offered me a cup of coffee and made me feel comfortable while I was observing. I was impressed on how the staff of Brachtre e Dental office treated the patients. They are the model of efficiency. I would not

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