Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Obamacare Pros And Cons Of Obamacare Essay Example For Students

Obamacare : Pros And Cons Of Obamacare Essay On March 23, 2010, President Barrack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into legislation. The bill was created to provide affordable and effective health care to all Americans. It has since provided tens of millions of uninsured Americans with affordable healthcare (â€Å"ObamaCare: Pros and Cons of ObamaCare†). While doing so, an estimated 31 million still remain uncovered as of 2016 (â€Å"Not ‘Everybody’ Is Covered Under ACA†). To this day, the health care plan has remained widely criticized and controversial. Many believe the Affordable Care Act has not done its duty and is unconstitutional to force healthcare upon Americans. Some of the people who share these views believe it isn’t the government’s job to provide welfare. They believe healthcare should be left to themselves to provide. On the other side of the argument, people and countries who support the Affordable Care Act consider it a step in the right direction. Some of these people view it as an essential necessity. Now is the Affordable Care Act really a necessity? Should the United States move in a different direction with its health care system? Some officials have suggested that the Affordable Care Act is not the best option for the United States. However, it is seen as a large step in the right direction. They believe it’s the best plan the U.S. has had in terms of attempting to cover all Americans with guaranteed healthcare, but certainly not the only possibility for our healthcare system. Some politicians have proposed for the United States to adopt a universal healthcare system similar to the likes of the Canada, Norway, the United Kingdom and Germany. These systems have been deemed and proven to be successful and effective through a single payer system. This pro. .eted and saved by insurance companies (What Would Universal Healthcare Look Like in the U.S.?). By eliminating for profit medical organizations, we can move toward being the most cost effective medical country in the world. Lastly, the U.S. government can continue to improve economic growth with the addition of universal healthcare. This system would create thousands of jobs, improve medical efficiency, and save the U.S. up to $1. 1 trillion over the next decade (Thrope). Given these changes, the U.S. can become the single most advanced country in the world. The opportunities are possible, so it’s crucial that the U.S. act and adopt a universal healthcare system. Lives are on the line and millions of Americans need guaranteed healthcare. The government needs to take action and do what the Affordable Care Act could not. Promote the general welfare to all its’ people!

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